Vive Uy

Project Details

Vive Uy enriches tourist’s experience, providing complete information about the destination, its history and current events, emphasizing its attractions: museums, buildings, monuments and public spaces. It is a tool to Live the destiny.

Vive Uy is an application that allows you to make your visit with greater independence and dynamism. Our audio guide system provides all the information of the sites of cultural interest of Montevideo.

  • Client Cecilia Pérez
  • Developer Gastón Borba
  • Skills iOS / Swift
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  • Gastón was an extremely valuable development resource to create Vive Uy. He made the experience of building the iOS version of my app much easier. With hard work, sense of responsability, skillness and great disposition he built exactly what i was looking to.

    Cecilia Pérez Founder at Vive Uy